A little more about Mantras for the Minis

During my pediatrics rotation as a medical student, I found myself deeply moved by two children who lacked regular visitors, spending a significant part of their lives in the hospital. Beyond my scheduled hours, I would spend time with them, expecting them to engage in playful activities. However, to my surprise, they would simply collapse into my arms, craving human comfort and love.

In those moments, faced with the challenge of comforting them, I began repeating uplifting mantras, affirming their strength and resilience. It dawned on me that a tangible source of positivity could make a meaningful impact in hospital rooms for children facing similar situations.

Motivated by this realization, I decided to create "Mantras for the Minis," a children's book designed not only for entertainment but also as a tool for caregivers, family members, nurses, and medical students to read aloud, fostering a sense of comfort and encouragement in young hearts.

The first round of printed books was made possible by the generosity of Sidney and Cydney Jones. Thanks to their benevolence, this book will be distributed to several children's hospitals, bringing comfort and inspiration to kids in need.